Thursday – The Internet's Shittiest Wizard



This post will be periodically updated as we travel throughout the day. I’ve set it as a draft for now (so this should be erased), but we’ll see how that goes.

I hate traveling, particularly flying. I’m over 6 foot tall, so there’s no comfortable way to sit in an airline seat for me. On top of that, I’m a Big Dude1 so it’s even harder to just sit comfortably than you’d imagine. Last year we took the train west to Oregon and that was truly a delight. I’m less than thrilled about going through TSA again and I’m certainly less than thrilled about being in an absolute hellscape of suburban north-central Texas

I think we’re pretty well prepared, but I just don’t know how to handle a baby in a plane. We’ll see, I guess.


Ok, that wasn’t so bad actually. No delays, no issues, baby was an angel the whole time and he pooped only after we got off the plane.

We got to my parent’s and my dad left to do a night class, which means no fight right out the gate. Baby is now asleep and doing great.

On to tomorrow, I guess.

  1. TM ↩︎

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