Annual Update – The Internet's Shittiest Wizard

Annual Update


I’m still alive, I swear. You can check my pulse. It’s still sorta going.

I need to write more posts for this blog, if only to reflect on my own feelings a little bit more in writing. Maybe journaling again would be a good idea, maybe publishing it out to the world like this.

Updates have been sparse, but that’s to be expected. The toddler has taken up a ton of my time, much to my joy and amusement. Unfortunately, days have started to blend together into the same mush, which isn’t great. I need to start breaking up my weeks a bit more and going into the office instead of simply WFH all the time, if only to prevent myself from getting into a “every day is the same day” funk.

Quick things to possibly expect in the coming months:

  • I got a drum smoker and it’s better than a Weber. We will revisit my quite limited BBQ opinions.
  • I got back in to Magic: the Gathering and hoooooo boy do I have some fuckin’ opinions.
  • Folk music: learn to play it.
  • Writing out a Pathfinder one-shot and coming up with a process for fleshing it out.

I’ve had other ideas for posts and they always end up half written and in the trash bin. I have so many text files in my blog folder that remain unpublished and unreviewed. I promise to get to those soon.


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