The Internet's Shittiest Wizard


2023-01-26 | #baby #family #travel

This post will be periodically updated as we travel throughout the day. I’ve set it as a draft for now (so this should be erased), but we’ll see how that goes. I hate traveling, particularly flying. I’m over 6 foot tall, so there’s no comfortable way to sit in an airline seat for me. On top of that, I’m a Big Dude1 so it’s even harder to just sit comfortably than you’d imagine.

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Adventures in Labbing: Part 4 - Github Actions

2023-01-25 | #actions runner #adventures in labbing #automation #github actions #n8n

It’s working! I set up a self-hosted action runner on one of the scrappernetes nodes and made it run as a service. This allowed me to start building out steps using the doctl tools after I was able to install that on the node as well. This was pretty easy with the Actions Runner documentation. Download # Create a folder $ mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner # Download the latest runner package $ curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.

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Adventures in Labbing: Part 3 - Jenkins

2023-01-25 | #adventures in labbing #ci #gitlab #jenkins

Fuck Jenkins man. I do this shit for work, not for fun. I’m already done. The problem I’m running into is specifically around credentials, which I feel should be fairly easy to manage with Kubernetes secrets but apparently not for Jenkins. Fighting with the UI and the settings, I’m just…I think I’m done? I’m going to leave it installed for now because I think it might actually be something I come back around to in a week or so.

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Adventures in Labbing: Part 2 - n8n

2023-01-23 | #adventures in labbing #IFTTT #kubernetes #n8n #oceanetes #pipeline

A few years back a friend of mine in a Discord server created a bot that, on request, browsed some GoComics for a given comic strip or comment if possible. We mainly used it to ask for the most recent Heathcliff, Nancy and Garfield strips, but you did have to ask for them. So usually someone in Europe would ping the bot when they woke up and bing bang boom Bob’s yer@email.

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Adventures in Labbing: Part 1

2023-01-20 | #adventures in labbing #cert-manager #kubernetes #oceanetes #scrappernetes #ssl #tls

The Importance of Being Earnest So far the biggest lesson I would have to impart on you, reader, is how easy it is to get TLS working with cert-manager on your cluster. It’s so easy, in fact, I think getting cert-manager installed on your lab cluster is maybe one of the first things you should do. SSL/TLS certs are going to be massively important in the decentralized authentication of the future.

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2023-01-19 | #calendar #French Republican Calendar #Ohio #repcal #Repulican Calendar

Tomorrow is primidi 1 pluviôse an 231, celebrating the spurge-laurel. Spurge-laurel doesn’t grow here and that bothers me. I love the French Republican Calendar a lot. It’s such a beautiful and revolutiponary idea: reclaiming the very framework of time from the gods and kings whose names litter the Gregorian days and months. What’s a way to celebrate the saints in a secular manner, in a way for the common person to still understand it.

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Reintroduction - Less Incoherent Rambling

2023-01-18 | #bio #introduction #scrappernetes

Re-reading my very first post makes me realize that perhaps a second introduction is in order, this one a little more concise and simultaneously a little more specific. I’m Ward. I am a self-taught engineer coming from the help desk and now working primarily with kubernetes and Platform engineering teams. I’m a fairly new dad which is about as mundane as thrilling adventures gets. I live in central Ohio, obviously. My interests are in distributed systems, games of all varieties but specifically TTRPGS, wargames and chess-like games (e.

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Plugging Away

2023-01-17 | #introduction #k8s #kubernetes #update

Ok, finally got this up and running. I’m going to work now on getting a handle of the formatting, but first we’re doing a bunch of CI/CD work. I’m a damned DevOps guy so let’s make it happen. What we’re going to likely be doing is using Jenkins as always, but I’m curious about exploring to really more easily manage the pipeline work and test it locally. The big idea would be to always make it so that the image being served on the live site matches what is in my GitHub repo.

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